"the ability to transcend traditional ideas, rules, patterns, relationships, or the like, and to create meaningful new ideas, forms, methods, interpretations, etc.; originality, progressiveness, or imagination" *

Photography is a simple way to capture the world and enable everyone to see the world through your eyes...
“Photographs Open doors into the past, but they also allow a look into the future.” - Sally Mann **
There is no right or wrong for the subject matter, it's what captures your attention at the time. Taking photographs should be a natural 'gut reaction' rather than strategically planned. This is photography at it's best and comes from the heart.
Creative Photography...
Being creative with your photography and being 'different' is the difficult part. There's millions of people taking photographs every day around the world. When you capture something 'unique' then that's true creativity at it's best.
Sometimes taking a step back from a scene and looking at the bigger picture helps to look at something differently and think creative...
... exactly the same way as writing a book... taking a photograph takes a creative mind... remember when you were a child and used to lie in the grass, gazing up at the clouds and creating animals/creatures from the puffs of cloud in the sky and desperately trying to convince your best friend that ball of white fluff is actually the the dragon breathing fire and coming for you...
Oh... I guess that may have just been me then!! Anyway, the most creative people make things from the heart and try not to over think what they are doing.
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